Am 1. September wird im New Yorker Brecht-Forum die Kinofassung von NACHRICHTEN AUS DER IDEOLOGISCHEN ANTIKE gezeigt.
Wednesday September 1st, 2010 7:30 PM
Visual Liberation Film Festival
Co-sponsor: Red Channels
News from Ideological Antiquity
Marx–Eisenstein–Das Kapital
dir. Alexnder Kluge with Tom Tykwer | 2008 | 84 min
Kluge“s News from Ideological Antiquity: Marx – Eisenstein – Das Kapital focuses on a plan envisaged by the great Russian director Sergei Eisenstein, that never got off the ground. In 1927, he had the idea of filming Das Kapital and intended to do it using the literary methods of James Joyce in his Ulysses. „A plan with the whack of a battleship,“ Kluge remarks in the accompanying booklet to the three DVDs. It is also the kind of plan that could be taken up by Alexander Kluge whose films and TV work often seem to follow the dramatic approach that Eisenstein had in mind for his Marx project.